Merope Asset Management
A Real Estate Investment & Development Company

Our Company

MEROPE is a Real Estate Investment and Development Company. Since its foundation in 2015 MEROPE is managed by Pietro Croce.

MEROPE specializes in large-scale, complex investments in prime locations, with the potential to create value added returns through development, repositioning and active asset management.

MEROPE targets prime Real Estate assets in Northern Italy with a main focus on Milan city centre.
MEROPE invests own capital (minimum 10%) and third parties capital. Third parties capital is mainly provided by prime family offices co-investing with MEROPE under a Club Deal approach structured under the logic of private equity investments.

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Our Strategy

Our strategy consists in applying strong Real Estate skills to set-up smart thinking investments. Through its wide network and deep knowledge of the local market, MEROPE aims to acquire, reposition and deliver to the market prime products with sustainable value.

MEROPE’s investments are usually based on a clear vision of the exit strategy and of the final positioning of its Real Estate assets.

As a local leading player MEROPE develops complex Real Estate investments by solving public administration issues, financial distress and construction complexities which other investors struggle to take up. MEROPE repositions its developments and aims to deliver world class projects that can be attractive for institutional Italian and International investors.

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Our Investors

In each investment MEROPE itself is one of the single largest providers of capital. More than 25 prime Italian and International family offices represent MEROPE’s current investor base.

MEROPE aims to create long term, strong and direct relationship with each of its investors. The trust of its investors represents MEROPE’s highest value. MEROPE aims to provide taylor made investment solutions based on each investor’s risk and return profile.

MEROPE’s investor base is considered unique in terms of quantity and quality.

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Our Governance

Merope Asset Management has adopted a Corporate Governance model in order to guarantee the adequate division of responsibilities and powers, as well as an investment and asset management activity increasingly oriented towards maximising our investor’s interests.

Merope’s Board of Directors:

  • Carlo Emilio Croce (Chairman)
  • Pietro Croce (Chief Executive Officer)
  • Vitaliano Borromeo Arese (Counselor)
  • Gianluca Ferrero (Counselor)
  • Luigi Giancaspero (Counselor)
  • Lorenzo Niccolini (Counselor)

For the greater protection of investors’ interests, Merope Asset Management has created an Investment Committee formed by Senior Management

Merope’s Investment Committee:

  • Pietro Croce
  • Luigi Giancaspero
  • Lorenzo Niccolini