Building Certifications


Palazzo Bernasconi, one of the first historic buildings to achieve excellence in sustainability with LEED Gold certification

Palazzo Bernasconi, historic building on the corner of Via Palestro and Corso di Porta Venezia recently redeveloped by Merope Asset Management to host Casa Cipriani, is one of the first buildings of this type to receive the LEED certificate and to achieve the highest environmental sustainability levels with the Gold level. This is an extraordinary result for a listed building located urban context with a great importance such as Giardini di Porta Venezia in Milan.

The redevelopment project and the construction process highest standard have returned the building its original value through a careful and balanced intervention of a new design of the interior spaces that has allowed an important improvement in the performance and quality standards of the entire building while preserving the historical character and recognizable figurative quality.

This result confirms our commitment regarding the ESG matters, even in context where the achievement of the set goals can be complex given the extraordinary value of such buildings , as in the case of Palazzo Bernasconi, where it becomes crucial the convergence of skills and high- profile abilities by all the subjects (landlord, developer, designers and executors) involved in the process.

Thanks to the entire Merope Asset Management team for the result achieved, to our tenant Casa Cipriani and to BMS Progetti our technical partners .